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Live , hope , wish , desire ...

Started by Roy, Oct 07, 2022, 09:29 AM

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Don't we all ..
did the doctors thing on Wed .  Reports on ultrasound ...  ...It turns out .
Tore 2 tendons ,a 4mm on something and a 5 mm tare on something else ..Right elbow .
Bugger ..
Hey I'm no doctor...  I intend to do . Was told . Don't rest and strap it up ..
It may .. freeze ?????
So we didn't and don't wish that . ... So keep arm moving
 I took a 300 k run in 4 hrs and 30 mins last Sunday .
Felt it on Monday ...
I very much intend being at Port MacDonnell ,On the 22nd ..

Sorry ,This is playing heavy on my mind ..
There are a few major reasons .. and a few other that are in my personal in house ..

One .. I so want to do those , our rides , if possible..
So want this , the new us ,Far Road .. to be .
The work Kwaka has put in , thus far , the understanding . Dealing with the many . Far greater riders , everyone's , views , opinions . Ideas . Great
Yes .. I've put one or 2 out there ..
Bottom line is .. , if we are to be , grow ,
Earn great respect . Have newbies wanting to be .. Far Road members .
 We must unit , promote , network , talk to other riders .
That's how I got here .
Sure , had been doing interstate rides for over 2 decades .. Snooze .
After some 8 yrs , convinced me ,after Snooze and I did a ride of 1990ks from Jan Mon Jan 17 to 3:00 am Wed Jan 19 , 2017 .... I need to be here . Feb 2017 I rode Mt Beauty FR .

He knew me better than I .
Now , there it is ..  That's how you guys got stuck with me ..

Please ... let's work as one . Ideas perfect , changes , evolving , tweaks along the way, shows interest in understanding , a changing world , accepting , looking forward .. if a future is the common interest ..
Sure , no one will ever completely agree with anyone else .
Tolerance is the key ..
In some discomfort with injury just now .
Time for a couple of neuros .
 Night .
Please , all stay safe .. there is a lot of nasty weather around , East Coast Australia atm



Sorry , for the rant ...
why are we here ..
We are all passionate .
Kwaka ..
did exactly what we all wanted ,to do , or was hoping someone else would do ..
How many of us .
We're sitting back . Watching . Looking , searching , listening . Hoping , doing the numbers ,  researching , talking .
In interest of lighting or relighting the fire on an .. Australian born LDRs

I say , most of us ..



Let's Support Kwaka as best we can .
Yes . The last 6 mths .
Everyone has had to take a few steps backwards .whom would have picked it .. if so , want their lotto numbers ...for next forever ..
Seriously .
We need to do best , we can to make this , us be ...
If not always buy donations ..
Just by simple support..
Positive posts , suggested changes , not with attitude .
We have few members just now 102 .. .wishing and hoping it will be 1000  plus in a couple of years  . Many , many ideas and suggestions .
Key ... are those suggestions .. for common good or cause , or individual egos ??????
Let us grow
Each of us , do the best possible .
To make us grow , become a truly respected brand
Cheers Roy

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